What to do when VOCs( Volatile Organic Compound) in your home are high?
VOCs are an chemical colorless gas in the air affecting many people’s health nowadays. And it is becoming one of the main sources of respiratory problems. Common examples of VOCs that may be present in our daily lives are: benzene( auto care products, waxes, polishes, fuels Adhesives, leather cigarette light fluid), ethylene glycol (paints, plastics, antifreeze, solvents, cosmetics), formaldehyde( resins, hardwood, permanent press fabric, paints, paper products) methylene chloride ( automotive care, lubrification, processing spices, general cleaning products) Tetrachloroethylene( water repellents, silicone lubricants, spot removers, wood cleaners, Toluene( Bathmats, contact cement, primers, spray paints, wood sealers), xylene( gasoline, varnish, cigarette smoke, cable coating, video, and audiotapes )
The risk of health effects depends on how much is in the air, for how long, and how often the person breathes in. Several studies suggest that exposure to VOCs may make symptoms worse for people with asthma or who are particularly sensitive to chemicals. These are many different exposures than occupational exposures. Short exposures to these chemicals can cause irritation to the eyes, nose & throat, headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness While long exposure can cause cancer, liver & kidney damage, and central nervous system damage.

To reduce the level of VOCs at home, here are some steps to your exposure to VOCs. Understand the level of VOCs of your home by hiring an inspector or purchasing an air quality monitor. Source Control: conduct an inspection in your home and looks for any unused product that would give off VOCs, move them to a place where people would have less contact with it, like the garage. Consider purchasing only low- VOC products Ventilation: increase the amount of airflow in your home by opening the doors, windows, use fans to maximize air brought in from the outside. Control Temperature: keep the temperature and relative humidity as low as possible or comfortable. Try your best to perform home renovation when no one is at home or during seasons that can allow you to open the window to increase ventilation.
Even though the governments impose some restrictions regarding the amount of VOCs that manufacturers can use in their products, households are more limited to the only amount in a particular room. As a result, people need to pay close attention to the products they buy. This information, combined with tips to cut down on exposure, will help make it easier to solve the problems that VOCs can sometimes create.